The ACLU is the country’s leader in defending and preserving the individual rights and liberties guaranteed by the Constitution and laws of the United States. In order to do this work, it is critical that the spaces we create respect civil liberties and reflects the values that inherently underpin those rights. 

Disability Access and Reasonable Accommodations

The ACLU strives to create inclusive, accessible events that enable all individuals to fully engage with its programming. Each of our events are wheelchair accessible, include interpreters for various languages upon request including ASL interpreters. If you would like to request other reasonable accommodations to better participate in our events, such as real time captioning, digital versions of materials, or other reasonable accommodations, please email us at Providing us at least 72 hours advance notice will help to ensure we can provide the accommodation.

Dietary Restrictions and Allergies

It is possible that meals or snacks will be served at our events. If you have any food related allergies or sensitivities that we should be aware of, please contact us via email at at least 72 hours prior to our event date. 

The ACLU dares to create a more perfect union – beyond one person, party, or side. Our mission is to realize this promise of the United States Constitution for all and expand the reach of its guarantees.

These are our values:

We believe “We the People” means all of us

The reality of our history is that this phrase excluded more people than it included when it was first written. We will not stop until America truly lives up to its promise of equality, liberty, and justice for all.

We believe we all have the right to live free from prejudice and oppression

No matter who we are; where we were born; what language we speak; how, whom, or if we worship; who we love; or how much money we have: Every one of us deserves to be treated with respect and dignity.

We believe everyone has the right to express themselves openly

The ACLU will defend everyone's rights--even when it isn’t popular, even when no one else will. Because we’ve always understood that a violation of one person’s rights is a threat to all our rights.

We believe in holding government at all levels accountable to our nation’s highest ideals

Freedom is not a foregone conclusion—and we must fight every day to protect and advance our rights and liberties. We believe in dissent and nonviolent resistance in the face of injustice.